Beginning Japan’s Korean Rule 1910
To convert the Korean Empire into Japan’s territory, Japan imposed the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty on Korea. As a ruling body, Japan established the Governor-General of Chosen in the Korean capital city Hanseong, which Japan renamed Gyeongseong (Seoul). The Governor-General of Chosen founded the military police system, under which Japanese military police officers fulfilled tasks of the police. In this way, Korean people were ruled over by a military government that had both power and force. For example, the Japanese military police strictly restricted assembly, association, and the publication of newspapers and magazines in the Korean language. Moreover, through a land survey project, the Governor-General of Chosen deprived many Korean farmers of their lands.
Japan’s Annexation of Korea and Control of Korea
Beginning Japan’s Korean Rule nineteen-ten
To convert the Korean Empire into Japan’s territory, Japan imposed the Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty on Korea. As a ruling body, Japan established the Governor-General of Chosen in the Korean capital city Hanseong, which Japan renamed Gyeongseong (Seoul). The Governor-General of Chosen founded the military police system, under which Japanese military police officers fulfilled tasks of the police. In this way, Korean people were ruled over by a military government that had both power and force. For example, the Japanese military police strictly restricted assembly, association, and the publication of newspapers and magazines in the Korean language. Moreover, through a land survey project, the Governor-General of Chosen deprived many Korean farmers of their lands.